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Nova – Centre per a la Innovació Social (NOVA) is currently coordinating the Spanish Committee for the promotion of a Spanish Civilian Peace Service. Nova has developed a feasibility study for the Catalan Regional Government (Spain) on the necessity for the development of a Civilian Peace Service.


Since 2004, Nova has a permanent chair in the board of the European Network for Civilian Peace Service (EN-CPS). This Network includes all the main European organization working in the field of sending professional peace workers to transform international conflicts.Since 2002, Nova has a permanent chair in the board of Nonviolent Peaceforce organization (NP). We are currently occupying the Rotating Presidence of the organization. NP is the most relevant organization professionally working on sending professional peace teams to international conflicts with the aim to reduce violence.


Since 2005 Nova is implementing the project: “Promoting Human Security in the Middle East: Strengthening the nonviolent alternative” in the Palestinian Territory and Israel. Through this project, that is currently funded by the Spanish Cooperation Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID) and UNDP-Program for the Assistance of the Palestinian People, Nova has strengthen a relevant network of local partners working in the field of peace and human security, promotion of the rule of law and free access to justice and local and international awareness and advocacy strategies.

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